Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have reported experiencing a range of cognitive symptoms that have been collectively referred to as "brain fog." While research suggests this can be a cognitive symptoms caused by the virus itself, another possible reason for the increase in brain fog during this time is the stress and anxiety that many people have experienced as a result of the global outbreak and resulting disruptions to daily life. From the constant negative news cycle to home-schooling, job loss, social isolation, and concerns about health and safety, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and experiencing brain fog.
In addition, the pandemic has brought about changes in daily routines and lifestyle habits, such as increased screen time, disrupted sleep patterns, and changes in physical activity and nutrition. These changes can all contribute to brain fog and cognitive decline. For example, spending more time mindlessly scrolling on our screens can lead to eye strain and fatigue, while binge watching our favourite series usually leads to disrupted sleep patterns that can impair cognitive function.
What is Brain Fog?
Brain fog is a condition characterised by a feeling of mental confusion or lack of mental clarity. Symptoms may include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and difficulty with language or decision-making.
Many people who experience brain fog report feeling as if their thinking is "cloudy" or "fuzzy," which can make it difficult to focus and complete even simple tasks. The condition is often associated with fatigue, stress, and lack of sleep.
Causes of Brain Fog
There are a variety of potential causes for brain fog, including poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress, and certain medical conditions such as fibromyalgia and depression. It is also very common during peri-menopause and menopause as dropping oestrogen levels impact our brains, often causing that sense of fogginess in our thoughts or forgetfulness.
Solutions To Managing Brain Fog
While there is no miracle quick cure, there are a number of solutions that may help alleviate symptoms of brain fog and many of them are easy to implement and free of charge. It will often depend on the root cause, so it is important to identify the likely cause of your brain fog as much as possible.
Some simple solutions that you can begin implement into your life include:
It is important to note that brain fog can have different causes, so the solutions may vary depending on the underlying cause. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action.
As with all conditions, If you are experiencing persistent brain fog that affects your day to day life, it is recommended to speak to your medical provider.
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We are living in challenging times and anxiety and stress levels have increased for many of us. Using the tools above to help with brain fog can make a big difference and remind us that we have more control over our well-being than we often realise. Simple lifestyle changes are a great place to start.
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